
The Patience of Mike

When Wall Street was in the shitter after 9-11, I worked at a celebrity divorce law firm for a few months.  There, I acted as an advocate, fixer and therapist for some very rich people who had made stupid mistakes from the consequences of which they wanted us to help them hide.  Our clients didn’t …

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Fools Crow

I recently read a novel called Fools Crow, written by James Welch in the mid-80s.  I cannot recommend it highly enough.  In the book, Welch tells the story of a young man who is a member of the Lone Eaters, a band of Blackfeet (called Pikuni in the book) in Montana territory some time between …

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I have written about Mrs. Wilson before.  She is the woman who winds up my dopamine motor, chains herself to trees and appears, like Schrodinger’s Cat, simultaneously in northern New York and Alabama.  She refuses to speak with Mike, the manager in her park.  Early yesterday, my phone farted and a text from Mrs. Wilson …

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