Policy and Regulation

Choctaw Bingo

In 2009, a writer in Slate said that the James McMurtry song Choctaw Bingo should be the new national anthem, because it describes life for the majority of Americans in the post financial downturn gig economy.  The music is not much to listen to, but the lyrics are brilliant.  In the song, McMurtry (son of …

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Tontines, Viatical Settlements, Rent Control, and Girls, Girls, Girls!

Economists say that tontines create perverse incentives.  A tontine is an investment pursuant to which each participant puts a certain amount of money into a pot.  The money in the pot is invested in whatever the participants want it to be invested in (biotech companies say, or swamp land in Florida).  The money stays in …

Tontines, Viatical Settlements, Rent Control, and Girls, Girls, Girls! Read More »

Slow News Day

I had planned on posting this morning, but the Supremes have stolen my thunder by coming out in favor of school shootings and back-alley abortions. I will wait until the news cycle calms down to post about crazy get-rich-quick gurus and lazy, dishonest maintenance personnel. Watch this space.

Corruption at its Best

This week, the New York State manufactured housing industry association sent a bunch of people to Albany for the annual lobby day.  I had never attended previously.  In fact, I had never set foot in downtown Albany, let alone inside the legislative buildings.  Here’s what I learned, as our group traveled from State Assembly Member …

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