Dirt Lease

Idiot-Proofing the Mobile Home Park Business One Idiot at a Time

Blog [(blawgh); PIE*we/blakh, Hitt Ba-la-kha, Skt blahah (per MacDonald), PGmc *plakha, OGK βλάξ, -κος, NGK μπλογ, OCS vlokhoj, Lat. Pagina aranaica, OFr [unattested] Tok. veplakh (possibly spurious)]: n: a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style, v: add new material to or regularly update a blog. “it’s about a week since I last blogged”.

Mobile Home Park (mɔwbl hɔwm pɒrk): (i) A contiguous parcel of land in which space for manufactured homes is rented, usually providing utilities and services.  See, also, mobile home, land-lease community, manufactured home, manufactured housing community, trailer, trailer park, (spurious), trailer trash, (similar); (ii) a business in which a provider of capital and services operates in the face of incomplete information, zero-sum remedies, and the need to herd cats.

Dirt Lease (dɩɽ? lɩjs) (i) Lease of dirt, or ground only (see, e.g. dirt, ground, lease); an arrangement similar to a ground lease, whereby land is leased for a long-term period exclusive of structures situated thereon; a land-lease, whereby a lessor rents out land to a tenant.  An arrangement often used in commercial real estate, parts of the United Kingdom (see Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) and manufactured housing communities.

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